If he opens the cell door after Doctor Money tells him not to, he will find a displaced elevator button in the same floor inside the corridor, attaches the button on the broken wire in the room, closes the door and operates the elevator, reaching the ground floor and escapes the building. Smiley, a poster and a cake from Charlotte, a poster, a table and a "little bug friend" from Salvadore, and a poster from Doctor Money.
He receives things from the 4 people who send letters to him: a poster, 5 confetti poppers and 5 video games, installed in Doctor Money's Portable Entertainment Product (abbr.

He is forced to be locked inside of a "prison cell" which is revealed to be an elevator room inside a multi-story building in the standard ending. A portion of the income is getting donated to charity with the goal of suicide prevention.The protagonist of Presentable Liberty is never seen, but is referred to as a male in one of Doctor Money's letters.
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Liberty is a series of stories that exist on The Liberty feed that all take place. The statistics above update daily and provide insight into how well articles, files, videos, images and other content you post is affecting the popularity of your game. This remake aims to make that dream of a remake come true while remaining faithful to the original game and expanding upon it with some additional content based on the original creators public posts and some of my own ideas. Hosted by Dan Butler, who starred in TVs Frasier as the sports radio.

This remake is a tribute to the late original game creator, Robert "Wertpol" Brock (✝2018) who had planned to create remakes of his games to his high standards but had to give up on the idea for various reasons. This is the officially licensed remake of Presentable Liberty, a short game that originally released in 2014. Multiple characters share their story through letters.It was first published under the name Presentable Liberty on Decem. The game is the sequel to Menagerie I: Exoptable Money and second installment within the Menagerie series. Designed as a short experience of 1 to 2 hours in which you experience 5 fateful days Menagerie II: Presentable Liberty is a video game created by the late game developer Robert Brock, better known to the internet as Wertpol.Gracz wciela si w rol winia, który trzymany jest w izolacji, poniewa na wiecie wybucha globalna pandemia powoli umiercajca ludzko. Jej akcja w caoci rozgrywa si w maej, ciasnej celi. The gameplay is primarily about reading these letters and there are no voice overs. 'Presentable Liberty' jest darmow, krótk (ok. These letters tell you that characters story. This is a short game in which you are confined to your cell and need to wait for letters from various characters to arrive. You may still receive letters, but you cannot reply to them. Do not despair. All you can hear day in and day out is the ticking of the clock in your cell. In the midst of a pandemic you are imprisoned and alone in a cell.