Tyrande also restored complete night elf control over Ashenvale as a result of the Alliance-Horde war. Together they supported the worgen of Gilneas in their return into the Alliance. In the wake of the Shattering, Tyrande and Malfurion were wed and now lead their people as one. She subsequently stepped down as general, handing the reins to her adoptive daughter Shandris Feathermoon, to devote herself fully as leader of her people.Īfter Malfurion had become trapped within the Emerald Dream for a prolonged period of time, Tyrande journeyed into the dream to rescue him.

Tyrande and Malfurion then led the night elves in the Third War, defeating the Burning Legion as they had done in ages past at the Battle of Mount Hyjal. After playing a pivotal role in the War of the Ancients, Tyrande was promoted to General of the Sentinels and would protect Kalimdor for over 10,000 years while her lover and the druids slept in the Emerald Dream. In the end, the priestess chose the druid over the sorcerer. In the years prior to the Burning Legion's first invasion, Tyrande was the object of both Malfurion and his brother Illidan's affections.

Since the middle of the Fourth War, Tyrande is also the current incarnation of the Night Warrior, the embodiment of Elune's wrath. Together with her lifelong mate, the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, she has represented the highest leadership of the night elves since the fall of Queen Azshara and the Highborne caste ten thousand years ago. Tyrande Whisperwind (pronounced teh-rahn-dah) is the chosen high priestess of the goddess Elune, the former general of the night elf Sentinels and the current head of the Sisterhood of Elune.
Tyrande to Malfurion Stormrage, after being told not to free Illidan from his prison “Only the goddess may forbid me anything.” Malfurion (husband), Illidan (brother-in-law), Shandris (adopted daughter)Īsh'alah ( saber cat), Dori'thur ( owl), Dawnshadow ( handmaiden)

Ruler of Darnassus, General of the Sentinels High Priestess of Elune, Co-head of the night elf government, Leader of the Sisterhood of Elune and the Army of the Black Moon Priestess of the Moon, Hunter, Priestĭarnassus, Sentinels, Sisterhood of Elune, Army of the Black Moon, Alliance For strategy on the End Time dungeon encounter, see Echo of Tyrande. For her Warcraft III statistics, see Tyrande (Warcraft III).